Lee Hishammuddin Allen & Gledhill

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Insurance Litigation

Insurance Litigation
Insurance Litigation

Insurance Litigation

Our Insurance Practice comprises of a strong team and led by Vijay who has vast experience of over 20 years in insurance litigation. Our firm has a robust insurance practice which covers all classes of insurance and reinsurance. Over the years, the team has successfully advised and acted for numerous major life and general insurers and reinsurers, both locally and abroad.

Apart from insurers and reinsurers, the team is often engaged by their corporate clients to advise and act for them in a wide range of insurance and takaful related disputes.
The team has noteworthy expertise in handling major and high value insurance related disputes. They have consistently provided clients with prompt, thorough and strategic legal advice in navigating through and resolving insurance disputes.

Partners Specializing in this area

Partners Specializing
in this area

Learn more about our partners who specialize in this area

G. Vijay Kumar


G. Vijay Kumar


Key Experience

Korean Insurance Co.

Instructed to act for a leading insurance company listed on the Korean Stock Exchange to recover insurance claims of USD$100 million from a Labuan based reinsurer. Various complex issues of law were involved, including the application of laws of different jurisdictions

Life Insurance Co.

Acting for a major reputable local life insurance company on a wide spectrum of contentious matters, including insurance contractual claims, disputes with insurance agents and other matters

Labuan Reinsurance Co.

Acted as lead counsel in defending a leading Labuan reinsurance brokerage firm in a claim brought by an insurance brokerage firm based in the Philippines. The issues were varied and complex, including duties owed by placing brokers and the effects of pre-contract representations in dealings between brokers

Leading Local Insurer

Acted for a leading local insurer and foreign reinsurer to oppose a high value insurance claim based on an Aviation Hull, Spares, Liability and Personal Accident Insurance Policy. The claim arose out of high-profile helicopter crash incident in Klang

Major General Insurer

Acted as lead counsel for a major general insurer in proceedings arising from a professional negligence liability policy involving one of the largest banking groups in Malaysia. The case, which had a claim value of more than RM10 million, included issues related to policy wording, policy liability and the insured’s duty of disclosure

Japanese Logistics Co.

Acted for a Japanese logistics company based in Georgetown to oppose a multi-million ringgit claim for negligence arising from the delivery of goods, brought by an insurer. The claim concerns issues relating to the terms of insurance policy as well as the interpretation / applicability on clauses pertaining to waiver of subrogated claims

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Other Practice Areas

Construction & Engineering Disputes


Dispute Resolution

Employment & Industrial Relations

Energy, Projects & Infrastructure

Intellectual Property

International Arbitration

Regulatory & Compliance

Tax, Customs & Trade


White Collar Crime

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