On 23 May 2012, the religious enforcement department of the Federal Territories, Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (JAWI) raided Borders bookstore and seized several books by a renowned writer, Irshad Manji, titled “Allah, Kebebasan dan Cinta” and “Allah, Liberty and Love” whereas the publications were not banned whether by federal law or the state religious law. A ban on the publications was only gazetted 3 weeks later. Despite various representations made to JAWI, the Home Minister and the Religious Minister, JAWI proceeded to prosecute the Muslim bookstore manager, Nik Raina Nik Abdul Aziz. Rosli launched a judicial review application against JAWI, the Home Minister and the Religious Minister challenging not only the unconstitutionality of state religious law but also the illegal enforcement and prosecution actions.