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英国伦敦玛丽女王大学所发布的《国际仲裁调查》(Queen Mary International Arbitration Survey[1]持续将 “成本” 列为当事人考虑仲裁时的主要顾虑之一。 随着国际商业交易在规模和复杂程度上的进展,仲裁也由此变得更加复杂和昂贵。

那么,企业家该如何进行财务规划和准备,以进行具有成本效益的仲裁呢?本电子快讯 (e-Alert) 旨在为正在考虑仲裁程序的当事人介绍10条财务策划提示。首先,本电子快讯将介绍仲裁程序中的各项费用(统称为 “费用“),讨论当事人是否可以收回这些费用。最后,我们会根据仲裁程序的各个阶段探讨 10 条财务提示。





涉及的费用 (非详尽)



(i)  仲裁庭费用

(ii) 仲裁听证会场地租金费用



(v) 事实证人的费用(例如:仲裁听证的差旅费和住宿费)

(vi)   行政费用[2]

大约 30%


(i)    法律代理费用

(ii)   法律咨询费用

大约 70%






(Ad valorem)

根据争议金额按比例收取固定费用。[3] 亚洲国际仲裁中心 (AIAC)[4], 新加坡国际仲裁中心 (SIAC)[5], 香港国际仲裁中心 (HKIAC)[6], 国际商会 (ICC)[7]


费用根据完成的工作量而固定。 伦敦国际仲裁法院 (LCIA)[8], HKIAC[9]


当事方和仲裁庭可就固定数额达成协议。 AIAC[10]




原则上的出发点是 “费用随事件发生” 或 “败诉方将会支付胜诉方的费用”。[11]因此,完全胜诉方可从败诉方收回所有费用;反之,部分胜诉方只能从败诉方收回其中投入获胜部分的费用。


  1.      合理性

a. 若仲裁庭认为某项支出不合理,仲裁庭可命令该项支出不可收回,或审查并减少有关该项支出可收回的数额。[13]

b. 仲裁庭将会考虑以下方面的合理性,其中包括:[14]

i.     法律费用所涉及的法律团队/代表的费率,人数,以和级别;

ii.    参与庭审会的法律代表或专家的专业经验和知识水平;

iii.   仲裁程序各阶段所花费的时间。

c. 以下是仲裁庭在费用分配过程中针对合理性考量而作出决定的真实例子:

i.     一位仲裁员认为以下这几项不合理:

a. 以正常小时费率的两倍拟定加班费;

b. 对于在外国工作的法律代表,每日只以正常小时费率计算五个小时的工作,而剩余的工作时间被视为加班费。[15]

ii.     在案例A中,[16]胜诉方专家报告费用的50%被驳回,因为专家报告的部分内容被认为对案件的裁决没有帮助。

iii.    在案例B中,[17]双方的总费用相差约1百万马币,这表明费用数额较低的一方的支出是合理的。

iv.     在案例C中,[18]仲裁员考虑了双方法律团队的规模、经验和小时费率之间的区别来决定双方法律代表费用的合理性。


  1.      当事方的行为

a. 为鼓励良好行为,仲裁庭可对在仲裁程序中不合作、阻挠或无理取闹的各方当事人处以不利费用 (adverse costs)。

b. 以不利费用的方式进惩罚可能会使胜诉方获得的赔偿少于其在起始立场下本应获得的数额,反过来也可能导致败诉方支付的费用高于其在起始立场下应支付的数额。

c. 引来类似的费用处罚的行为例子有这几项:

i.     虚假的诉讼请求或抗辩,过多的法律论点[19]或过多的申索。[20]

ii.    不合理行为,例如不必要的拖延,扰乱的行为,拖延战术,[21]非诚信地进行证据采集,[22]以及无理申请临时救济。[23]

iii.   不遵守程序命令或程序时间表。[24]

假如争议各方能够在费用这方面达成一致(即:由谁支付以及支付的数额),则可避免仲裁庭进行费用分配。[25] 不过,这种情况非常罕见,若有,通常仅在争议金额不大或当事方能够就争议达成和解的情况下才有可能,这种和解方式会在随后的同意裁决中被记录下来。






第一条 请您的律师根据仲裁听证的各个阶段估算费用 应考虑的各个阶段包括 :

i.   仲裁通知和对仲裁通知答复

ii.   诉状

iii.  披露/取证申请

iv.  交换议题和证据文件

v.   听证会上的口头/书面陈述

vi.  费用陈述

vii. 强制执行(若有需要)


i.    仲裁员费用

ii.   仲裁机构行政费

iii.  法律费用

iv.  其他支出

请牢记:中段审理或临时措施(若有)的费用也许不在典型的报价范围内。因此, 这些费用应该被列入预算目的预留应急费用。常见的临时/中段申请包括以下这几项:

i.   分步审理 (bifurcation)以及

ii.  在对争议做出裁决之前,采取临时措施维持或恢复原本的情况。[27]

第二条 条件收费 马来西亚法律允许当事人与其法律代表之间达成 “有条件收费安排”。[28] 在这种情况下,法律代表与当事方可以订立包括这两项的付款安排:

i.   无论诉讼结果如何,均收取基本费用

ii.  如果胜诉,则收取成功酬金

这类型的 “成功酬金 “被称为 “条件收费”。做出这种安排可以在案件结果不成功时为企业家节省资金。

“条件收费 ”区别于 “应急酬金 “。”应急酬金 “指只有在胜诉的情况下才支付律师费,而在败诉的情况下则完全不支付律师费。在马来西亚,”应急酬金”是非法的。[29]

第三条 第三方资助 第三方资助指的是一位与纠纷无直接关系的一方(”出资人”)向纠纷的一方(”诉讼当事人”)提供仲裁程序的资金支持。通常,出资人会从法律程序中获得部分赢利或利益作为回报。

虽然马来西亚法律目前不允许第三方资助,但新加坡已于 2017 年将其合法化,香港也于 2017 年扩大了第三方资助的范围。因此,企业主也许该牢记第三方资助的用意,因为它有可能将来会在马来西亚被合法化。

您可以通过我们最近发布的电子快讯 – “Balancing Desire and Danger: Regulating Third-Party Funding in a Global Context” 了解更多有关第三方资助的信息。请搜查以下链接: https://lh-ag.com/international-arbitration-special-alert-balancing-desire-and-danger-regulating-third-party-funding-in-a-global-context/

第四条 在做出费用决定时要牢记 “合理性”


由于 “合理性” 是仲裁员决定费用分配的主要顾虑之一,强烈建议各方当事人考虑在仲裁程序过程中所有支出项目与数额的合理性。


第五条 考虑在仲裁程序开始后不久后,实行 “另存预付定金” 仲裁程序启动后不久,当事人可向相关仲裁机构要求实行 “另存预付定金”。这笔定金将用于支付行政管理费、仲裁庭费用和其他仲裁费用。

申索人如果面对提出较高反申索额,可以考虑缴“另存预付定金”。这是因为在“另存预付定金”的安排下 ,申索人只需承担其申索的费用 ,而不是承担全部争议的金额(由于包含了答辩人的高额反诉金额,争议金额可能已经增加/提高 ) 。[30]

第六条 考虑提供考尔德班克提议 (Calderbank offer) 什么是考尔德班克(Calderbank)提议?

i.   考尔德班克提议指的是其中一方在诉讼程序过程中向另一方提出的和解提议。考尔德班克提议一般 是个接受金额付款的提议(若该提议是由申请人提出的)或是个支付金额的提议(若该提议是由被申索方提出的)。

ii.   若接受要约的一方当事人拒绝了该和解提议,且仲裁裁决的结果低于要约,则仲裁庭在裁决成本和费用时可考虑该要约。仲裁庭会在裁决费用时考虑该和解提议。 [31]通常,拒绝考尔德班克提议的那方将支付发出要约一方的部分(至少)费用。

iii.   “费用分配” 阶段之前,不得将考尔德班克提议告知仲裁庭,这通常被称为 “不妨碍费用”。[32] 这将防止卡尔德班克提议的条款影响仲裁员就争议的实质问题作出裁决。

因此,要约人可以通过提出卡尔德班克提议在一定程度上控制其在仲裁程序结束后所会收到/支付的费用数额。若仲裁庭的裁决结果对提议者更有利(对拒绝要约的一方相对而言比较吃亏),提议者至少可以在已经比其提出的卡尔德班克提议更有利的仲裁裁决之外收回部分成本。通过这种方式,卡尔德班克提议起到了财务 “安全网 “的作用。


第七条 如果您发现自己陷入了对方当事人的拖延战术,请向仲裁员寻求帮助 若您发现自己被对方当事人不合理的策略所纠缠,您可以向仲裁庭寻求帮助。在此情况下,仲裁庭有权利:

i.     设定违约方必遵守的时限;

ii.    召开案件管理会议,就违约方的行为与其对质;[33]

iii.   对违约方施加费用处罚;

iv.   限制违约方延期的次数和期限。

第八条 保持良好行为 在整个仲裁过程中,被仲裁员视为不合理或破坏性的行为可能会引来处罚性的费用令。因此,当事各方必须自始至终保持良好的行为,包括遵守程序时限、仲裁庭命令,以及诚信地进行仲裁程序。
第九条 纠纷中实质性议题被裁决后,向法庭提交一份完整又充分的《费用呈件》 仲裁听证结束后,仲裁庭将会邀请各方当事人在费用这方面提交陈述。仲裁员将对各方当事人的费用陈述进行审查,并以这些费用陈述作为费用分配的依据。


i.     详细列出费用项目的细节及其理由。

ii.    附上相关的文件证据 ,例如时间表,以证明所申 索 的 开支数额。

iii.   为每个开支项目下支付的金额的合理性准备理由。


第十条 如果对手拒绝遵守费用令,您可以寻求法院强制执行 仲裁庭将在仲裁程序结束时下达费用令。此下令属于仲裁裁决的一部分。若付款方拒绝遵守费用令,建议收款方采取以下措施:

i.     收到仲裁庭的仲裁裁决后,及时发出要求支付费用的信函。在要求函中,明确列出裁决的费用、利息、最终应付金额以及相关银行账户的详情。

ii.     向高等法院登记裁决。[34]



若您有任何额外提问,请联络实习生林佳韵 (jylim@lh-ag.com) 或国际仲裁组合伙人黄慧晶律师 (wwc@lh-ag.com) .



[1] “2021 International Arbitration Survey: Adapting arbitration to a changing world”, The School of International Arbitration of Queen Mary University of London, Page 13, https://arbitration.qmul.ac.uk/media/arbitration/docs/LON0320037-QMUL-International-Arbitration-Survey-2021_19_WEB.pdf ; 也请搜查Pinsent Masons’ 2019 International Arbitration Survey on “International Arbitration in Construction” in partnership with the School of International Arbitration at Queen Mary University of London, page 3, https://www.pinsentmasons.com/thinking/special-reports/international-arbitration-survey

[2] 从01.03.2024起, SST 百分比已从 6% 提高到8%。请搜查 Panduan Peralihan Perubahan Kadar Cukai Perkhidmatan, 2024年2月26日 https://mysst.customs.gov.my/assets/document/Specific%20Guides/PANDUAN%20PERALIHAN%20PERUBAHAN%20KADAR%20CUKAI%20PERKHIDMATAN.pdf

[3] 通常,相关机构会根据争议的价值预先确定 “费率表”。

[4] AIAC Frequently Asked Questions, Question 11, https://www.aiac.world/Frequently-Asked-Questions- , pertaining to the arbitral tribunal’s fees and the AIAC’s administrative costs

[5] SIAC General FAQs, Question 37, https://siac.org.sg/faqs/siac-general-faqs

[6] 香港国际仲裁中心不经常使用从价税。相反,时薪即更被常用。请看 HKIAC’s webpage on Costs and Duration,  https://www.hkiac.org/arbitration/costs-duration

[7] ICC webpage entitled “Costs and Payment” at section entitled “Costs of the arbitration” https://iccwbo.org/dispute-resolution/dispute-resolution-services/arbitration/costs-and-payment/

[8] 请看 Schedule of Arbitration Costs (2023), section 2 in  https://www.lcia.org/dispute_resolution_services/schedule-of-arbitration-costs-2023.aspx

[9] HKIAC’s 2018 Schedule of Fees,   https://www.hkiac.org/content/2018-schedule-fees

[10] AIAC Rules 2023, Rule 18(3)

[11] Article 42(1) AIAC Rules 2023

[12] Section 44(1)(a)(i) Arbitration Act 2005, Article 40(1) AIAC Rules

[13] Article 42(1) AIAC Rules 2023, Article 42(2) AIAC Rules 2023

[14] ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin 2015 No.2 entitled “Commission Report: Decision on Costs in International Arbitration (Report)” [65] https://jusmundi.com/en/document/publication/en-commission-report-decision-on-costs-in-international-arbitration-report

[15] VV and Another v W [2008] SGHC 11 [14]

[16] 真实仲裁案例。

[17] 真实仲裁案例。

[18] 真实仲裁案例。

[19] ICC Commission Report “Controlling Time and Costs in Arbitration”, March 2018, Paragraph 82

[20] ICC Commission Report “Controlling Time and Costs in Arbitration”, March 2018, Paragraph 82

[21] ICC Commission Report “Controlling Time and Costs in Arbitration”, March 2018, Paragraph 82

[22] IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration, 17 December 2020, Article 9 (8), https://www.ibanet.org/MediaHandler?id=def0807b-9fec-43ef-b624-f2cb2af7cf7b

[23] ICC Commission Report “Controlling Time and Costs in Arbitration”, March 2018, Paragraph 82

[24] ICC Commission Report “Controlling Time and Costs in Arbitration”, March 2018, Paragraph 82

[25] Section 44(1), (2) Arbitration Act 2005, implied by wording “unless otherwise agreed by the parties”

[26] PART II, Uncitral Arbitration Rules (as revised in 2021), Section III, Article 26(8) AIAC Rules 2023

[27] AIAC Rules 2023, Article 26(2)(a)

[28] Lua & Mansor (suing as a firm) v Tan Ah Kim [2017] 3 MLJ 371

[29] Section 112(1) of the Legal Profession Act 1976

[30] AIAC Arbitration Circular 02 on 26th January 2021 https://admin.aiac.world/uploads/ckupload/ckupload_20210126064946_11.pdf

[31] Section 44(2) Arbitration Act 2005

[32] Section 44(3) Arbitration Act 2005

[33] AIAC Rules 2023, Schedule 4, Clause 7

[34] Arbitration Act 2005, Section 38(1)

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[TAX, CUSTOMS & TRADE] Special Alert: Too Early to the Party: Revenue’s Appeals Struck Out for Want of Locus | Taxpayers to Proceed with Legal Challenge to Seek Refund for Taxes Paid Pursuant to Unlawful Legislation

May 24, 2024

Legal Insight

[DISPUTE RESOLUTION] Special Alert: High Court Rules Against Former Group CEO Of MARA Corporation Sdn Bhd for Breach of Director’s and Fiduciary Duties

May 23, 2024

Legal Insight

[DISPUTE RESOLUTION] Special Alert: High Court Rules Against Former Group CEO Of MARA Corporation Sdn Bhd for Breach of Director’s and Fiduciary Duties

May 23, 2024

Legal Insight

[EMPLOYMENT] Special Alert: Flexible Working Arrangements: Modern Practices for Contemporary Establishments

May 17, 2024

Legal Insight

[EMPLOYMENT] Special Alert: Flexible Working Arrangements: Modern Practices for Contemporary Establishments

May 17, 2024


LHAG Partner Joins Russia’s Panel of Arbitrators

May 17, 2024


LHAG Partner Joins Russia’s Panel of Arbitrators

May 17, 2024

Legal Insight

[ESG] Bursa Carbon Exchange to Host First Local Auction for Carbon Credits

May 15, 2024

Legal Insight

[ESG] Bursa Carbon Exchange to Host First Local Auction for Carbon Credits

May 15, 2024


LHAG Ranked in Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific 2024

May 13, 2024


LHAG Ranked in Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific 2024

May 13, 2024


LHAG Consultant To Speak At AIAC’s Virtual Event On Third-Party Funding (TPF)

May 9, 2024


LHAG Consultant To Speak At AIAC’s Virtual Event On Third-Party Funding (TPF)

May 9, 2024


Transaction News: Ekuinas Acquires Leading API Manufacturer in SEA

May 8, 2024


Transaction News: Ekuinas Acquires Leading API Manufacturer in SEA

May 8, 2024

Legal Insight

[EMPLOYMENT] Special Alert: Turning the Tide: Malaysia’s Campaign Against Forced Labour in Foreign Worker Management

May 3, 2024

Legal Insight

[EMPLOYMENT] Special Alert: Turning the Tide: Malaysia’s Campaign Against Forced Labour in Foreign Worker Management

May 3, 2024

Legal Insight

[TAX, CUSTOMS & TRADE] Takes Two to Tango: Harmonising Income Tax Act and Other Legislation

April 30, 2024

Legal Insight

[TAX, CUSTOMS & TRADE] Takes Two to Tango: Harmonising Income Tax Act and Other Legislation

April 30, 2024


[NEWSLETTER] Intellectual Property, Sports & Gaming (April 2024)

April 30, 2024


[NEWSLETTER] Intellectual Property, Sports & Gaming (April 2024)

April 30, 2024

Legal Insight

[EMPLOYMENT] Special Alert: Employer’s Right To Offer The Option To Resign

April 29, 2024

Legal Insight

[EMPLOYMENT] Special Alert: Employer’s Right To Offer The Option To Resign

April 29, 2024

Legal Insight

[EMPLOYMENT] Special Alert: Exorbitant Claim of RM4.7 Million for Constructive Dismissal Struck Out by the High Court

April 26, 2024

Legal Insight

[EMPLOYMENT] Special Alert: Exorbitant Claim of RM4.7 Million for Constructive Dismissal Struck Out by the High Court

April 26, 2024


LHAG Partners To Speak At The 2024 IR Law Conference

April 26, 2024


LHAG Partners To Speak At The 2024 IR Law Conference

April 26, 2024

Legal Insight

[ESG] Auction For Renewable Energy Certificates To Be Hosted By Bursa Carbon Exchange

April 25, 2024

Legal Insight

[ESG] Auction For Renewable Energy Certificates To Be Hosted By Bursa Carbon Exchange

April 25, 2024

Legal Insight

[TMT] Negligent Misrepresentation in IT Agreements: Action Points for IT Service Providers and Customers

April 23, 2024

Legal Insight

[TMT] Negligent Misrepresentation in IT Agreements: Action Points for IT Service Providers and Customers

April 23, 2024


LHAG Partner To Speak On OSHA Amendment Act 2022

April 23, 2024


LHAG Partner To Speak On OSHA Amendment Act 2022

April 23, 2024

Legal Insight

[INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION] Special Alert: Energy Exchange Malaysia (“ENEGEM”): Introducing Malaysia’s Newly Launched Energy Exchange

April 19, 2024

Legal Insight

[INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION] Special Alert: Energy Exchange Malaysia (“ENEGEM”): Introducing Malaysia’s Newly Launched Energy Exchange

April 19, 2024


LHAG Partner To Speak At BICAM’s BICTOK #6 Virtual Event

April 18, 2024


LHAG Partner To Speak At BICAM’s BICTOK #6 Virtual Event

April 18, 2024

Legal Insight

[ESG] Dewan Negara Passes The Environmental Quality (Amendment) Bill 2023

April 17, 2024

Legal Insight

[ESG] Dewan Negara Passes The Environmental Quality (Amendment) Bill 2023

April 17, 2024

Legal Insight

[ENERGY, PROJECTS & INFRASTRUCTURE] Introducing the 5th Round of Competitive Bidding Process for Developing Large-Scale Solar

April 9, 2024

Legal Insight

[ENERGY, PROJECTS & INFRASTRUCTURE] Introducing the 5th Round of Competitive Bidding Process for Developing Large-Scale Solar

April 9, 2024

Legal Insight

[REGULATORY AND COMPLIANCE] Special Alert: Occupational Safety and Health (Amendment) Act 2022 Set To Take Effect on 1 June 2024

April 5, 2024

Legal Insight

[REGULATORY AND COMPLIANCE] Special Alert: Occupational Safety and Health (Amendment) Act 2022 Set To Take Effect on 1 June 2024

April 5, 2024

Legal Insight

[EMPLOYMENT] Special Alert: Employee-Shareholders – Can They Be Made Redundant?

April 4, 2024

Legal Insight

[EMPLOYMENT] Special Alert: Employee-Shareholders – Can They Be Made Redundant?

April 4, 2024

Legal Insight

[CYBER DATA PRIVACY] Special Alert: Cyber Security Bill 2024: Is Your Company Ready?

April 4, 2024

Legal Insight

[CYBER DATA PRIVACY] Special Alert: Cyber Security Bill 2024: Is Your Company Ready?

April 4, 2024

Legal Insight

[EMPLOYMENT] High Court Clarifies Question of Chairman’s Jurisdiction to Hand Down Award

April 2, 2024

Legal Insight

[EMPLOYMENT] High Court Clarifies Question of Chairman’s Jurisdiction to Hand Down Award

April 2, 2024

Legal Herald

Legal Herald (Issue 01 | 2024)

April 1, 2024

Legal Herald

Legal Herald (Issue 01 | 2024)

April 1, 2024


[NEWSLETTER] Intellectual Property, Sports & Gaming (March 2024)

March 29, 2024


[NEWSLETTER] Intellectual Property, Sports & Gaming (March 2024)

March 29, 2024

Legal Insight

[ESG] Enhancing Corporate Governance in MSMEs

March 27, 2024

Legal Insight

[ESG] Enhancing Corporate Governance in MSMEs

March 27, 2024

Legal Insight

[DISPUTE RESOLUTION] Special Alert: Apex Equity Sdn Bhd v Concrete Parade Sdn Bhd & Others (FC) – A Landmark Decision on Corporate Transactions and Shareholders’ Dispute

March 27, 2024

Legal Insight

[DISPUTE RESOLUTION] Special Alert: Apex Equity Sdn Bhd v Concrete Parade Sdn Bhd & Others (FC) – A Landmark Decision on Corporate Transactions and Shareholders’ Dispute

March 27, 2024

Legal Insight

[EMPLOYMENT] Understanding the Framework of Malaysia’s Anti-Sexual Harassment Tribunal

March 26, 2024

Legal Insight

[EMPLOYMENT] Understanding the Framework of Malaysia’s Anti-Sexual Harassment Tribunal

March 26, 2024

Legal Insight

[TAX, CUSTOMS & TRADE] Special Alert: Court of Appeal: Subsidiary Legislation and Customs’ Guidelines Cannot Supersede the Principal Act

March 21, 2024

Legal Insight

[TAX, CUSTOMS & TRADE] Special Alert: Court of Appeal: Subsidiary Legislation and Customs’ Guidelines Cannot Supersede the Principal Act

March 21, 2024


LHAG Partner To Speak At The 2024 IATC Conference

March 18, 2024


LHAG Partner To Speak At The 2024 IATC Conference

March 18, 2024

Legal Insight

[INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION] Special Alert: Updates to the IBA Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest in International Arbitration

March 14, 2024

Legal Insight

[INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION] Special Alert: Updates to the IBA Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest in International Arbitration

March 14, 2024

Legal Insight

[DISPUTE RESOLUTION] Special Alert: Raintree F&B Sdn Bhd v Red Sena Berhad (In Liquidation)

March 13, 2024

Legal Insight

[DISPUTE RESOLUTION] Special Alert: Raintree F&B Sdn Bhd v Red Sena Berhad (In Liquidation)

March 13, 2024

Legal Insight

[ESG] “Wanita MyWIRA”: Championing Women’s Inclusion and Empowerment

March 13, 2024

Legal Insight

[ESG] “Wanita MyWIRA”: Championing Women’s Inclusion and Empowerment

March 13, 2024

Legal Insight

[INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION] Navigating the Costs of Arbitration: 10 Financial Tips for Business Owners Considering Arbitration

March 12, 2024

Legal Insight

[INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION] Navigating the Costs of Arbitration: 10 Financial Tips for Business Owners Considering Arbitration

March 12, 2024

Legal Insight

[EMPLOYMENT] Special Alert: Seeking Reinstatement To Employment Through Judicial Review

March 8, 2024

Legal Insight

[EMPLOYMENT] Special Alert: Seeking Reinstatement To Employment Through Judicial Review

March 8, 2024


LHAG Tax Partner Chris Toh to Speak at an Entrepreneurial Seminar

March 7, 2024


LHAG Tax Partner Chris Toh to Speak at an Entrepreneurial Seminar

March 7, 2024


Introducing LHAG’s China Desk Webpage

March 6, 2024


Introducing LHAG’s China Desk Webpage

March 6, 2024


LHAG Shines At ALB Malaysia Law Awards

March 5, 2024


LHAG Shines At ALB Malaysia Law Awards

March 5, 2024


Tiara Katrina Fuad – Our Newest Partner!

March 1, 2024


Tiara Katrina Fuad – Our Newest Partner!

March 1, 2024


[NEWSLETTER] Intellectual Property, Sports & Gaming (February 2024)

February 29, 2024


[NEWSLETTER] Intellectual Property, Sports & Gaming (February 2024)

February 29, 2024

Legal Insight

[EMPLOYMENT] Special Alert: Controversial Employment Policies

February 28, 2024

Legal Insight

[EMPLOYMENT] Special Alert: Controversial Employment Policies

February 28, 2024

Legal Insight

[ESG] Registration Commences For The Low Carbon Energy Generation Programme

February 28, 2024

Legal Insight

[ESG] Registration Commences For The Low Carbon Energy Generation Programme

February 28, 2024


LHAG Partner Invited To Speak At The Brunei Darussalam Arbitration Centre’s Seminar

February 28, 2024


LHAG Partner Invited To Speak At The Brunei Darussalam Arbitration Centre’s Seminar

February 28, 2024

Legal Insight

[REGULATORY AND COMPLIANCE] Can Industry Players Cooperate by Sharing Commercially Sensitive Information?

February 27, 2024

Legal Insight

[REGULATORY AND COMPLIANCE] Can Industry Players Cooperate by Sharing Commercially Sensitive Information?

February 27, 2024

Legal Insight

[TAX, CUSTOMS & TRADE] Special Alert: Navigating Capital Gains Tax: Roadmap to a New Tax Landscape

February 26, 2024

Legal Insight

[TAX, CUSTOMS & TRADE] Special Alert: Navigating Capital Gains Tax: Roadmap to a New Tax Landscape

February 26, 2024

Legal Insight

[INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION] Special Alert: Balancing Desire and Danger: Regulating Third-Party Funding In A Global Context

February 19, 2024

Legal Insight

[INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION] Special Alert: Balancing Desire and Danger: Regulating Third-Party Funding In A Global Context

February 19, 2024

Legal Insight

[DISPUTE RESOLUTION] Special Alert: Court of Appeal Clarifies Jurisdiction of Housing Tribunal And Limitation Period Under Section 16N(2) of the HDA

February 8, 2024

Legal Insight

[DISPUTE RESOLUTION] Special Alert: Court of Appeal Clarifies Jurisdiction of Housing Tribunal And Limitation Period Under Section 16N(2) of the HDA

February 8, 2024

Legal Insight

[EMPLOYMENT] Special Alert: Redundancy Can Arise Even When The Job Still Exists!

February 7, 2024

Legal Insight

[EMPLOYMENT] Special Alert: Redundancy Can Arise Even When The Job Still Exists!

February 7, 2024


[NEWSLETTER] Intellectual Property, Sports & Gaming (January 2024)

January 31, 2024


[NEWSLETTER] Intellectual Property, Sports & Gaming (January 2024)

January 31, 2024

Legal Insight

[TAX] Special Alert: YEAR IN REVIEW: LHAG’s 10 Notable Tax Cases In 2023

January 29, 2024

Legal Insight

[TAX] Special Alert: YEAR IN REVIEW: LHAG’s 10 Notable Tax Cases In 2023

January 29, 2024


LHAG Shines In The Legal 500 Asia-Pacific 2024 Rankings

January 24, 2024


LHAG Shines In The Legal 500 Asia-Pacific 2024 Rankings

January 24, 2024


LHAG Partner Shares Insights on Astro AWANI’s ‘It’s About YOUth’

January 18, 2024


LHAG Partner Shares Insights on Astro AWANI’s ‘It’s About YOUth’

January 18, 2024

Legal Insight

[EMPLOYMENT] Special Alert: Expectation for Managers to Understand Job Requirements

January 11, 2024

Legal Insight

[EMPLOYMENT] Special Alert: Expectation for Managers to Understand Job Requirements

January 11, 2024


LHAG Partner Recognised in Lexology Client Choice Awards 2024

January 8, 2024


LHAG Partner Recognised in Lexology Client Choice Awards 2024

January 8, 2024


Meet Our New Senior Associates for 2024

January 5, 2024


Meet Our New Senior Associates for 2024

January 5, 2024


Introducing LHAG’s New Partners for 2024

January 4, 2024


Introducing LHAG’s New Partners for 2024

January 4, 2024


LHAG Ranked in Chambers Asia-Pacific 2024 Rankings

January 2, 2024


LHAG Ranked in Chambers Asia-Pacific 2024 Rankings

January 2, 2024


Malaysian Chapter in the Private Wealth & Private Client Review (12th Edition)

December 14, 2023


Malaysian Chapter in the Private Wealth & Private Client Review (12th Edition)

December 14, 2023


[NEWSLETTER] Intellectual Property, Sports & Gaming (November 2023)

November 30, 2023


[NEWSLETTER] Intellectual Property, Sports & Gaming (November 2023)

November 30, 2023


LHAG Partner Speaking at the Malaysian Bar Council’s Webinar on “Preparing Malaysia’s Next Generation Professional Legal Experts”

November 29, 2023


LHAG Partner Speaking at the Malaysian Bar Council’s Webinar on “Preparing Malaysia’s Next Generation Professional Legal Experts”

November 29, 2023


LHAG Partner To Speak At BAC’s Tech Talk On Legal Services

November 20, 2023


LHAG Partner To Speak At BAC’s Tech Talk On Legal Services

November 20, 2023


LHAG Lawyers Speaking on Corporate Tax Strategies

November 16, 2023


LHAG Lawyers Speaking on Corporate Tax Strategies

November 16, 2023


LHAG Partner Joins The MECA HR/IR Convention 2023

November 15, 2023


LHAG Partner Joins The MECA HR/IR Convention 2023

November 15, 2023

Legal Insight

[EMPLOYMENT] Managing Mental Health Triggers At The Workplace

November 14, 2023

Legal Insight

[EMPLOYMENT] Managing Mental Health Triggers At The Workplace

November 14, 2023


LHAG Partner Recognised As Asia IP Expert 2023

November 10, 2023


LHAG Partner Recognised As Asia IP Expert 2023

November 10, 2023


LHAG Senior Partner To Speak At MEF Industrial Relations Conference 2023

November 9, 2023


LHAG Senior Partner To Speak At MEF Industrial Relations Conference 2023

November 9, 2023

Legal Insight

[INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION] Amicable Settlement Process – A Condition Precedent to Arbitration?

November 7, 2023

Legal Insight

[INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION] Amicable Settlement Process – A Condition Precedent to Arbitration?

November 7, 2023

Legal Insight

[EMPLOYMENT] Artificial Discrimination in the Workplace

November 7, 2023

Legal Insight

[EMPLOYMENT] Artificial Discrimination in the Workplace

November 7, 2023


LHAG Partner Takes The Stage At Dubai Arbitration Week 2023

November 3, 2023


LHAG Partner Takes The Stage At Dubai Arbitration Week 2023

November 3, 2023

Legal Insight

[TAX] Special Alert: Budget 2024: Special Legal Insights

November 2, 2023

Legal Insight

[TAX] Special Alert: Budget 2024: Special Legal Insights

November 2, 2023

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